

Check Solution

Make informed decisions with our comprehensive background check solution for employee verification and vendor onboarding.

PiChain Background Check Solution
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Why Pichain ?

PiChain is the best background check solution for businesses of all sizes. We offer accurate, efficient and secure background checks that are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

Our Features

Enhanced Decision-Making
Compliance Assurance
Unparalleled Security
Seamless Scalability

Empower yourself with accurate and comprehensive background checks. Make informed hiring decisions that align with your company's values and risk tolerance.

Navigate the complexities of background check regulations with confidence. Our solution ensures compliance with all applicable laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Protect sensitive data with state-of-the-art security measures. We employ industry-leading safeguards to safeguard your information from unauthorised access and breaches.

Adapt to your growing needs with our scalable platform. Accommodate new users and background checks without compromising performance or incurring excessive costs.

Simple Steps to Get the PiChain
Background Check Solution


Sign up for an account.

Sign up for an account. Visit the PiChain website and create an account.



Add your vendors

Add your vendors with the help of APIs. Once you have created an account, you can start adding your vendors. 



Review and approve

Review and approve vendor applications. Once your vendors have joined the PiChain platform, you can review their applications and approve them to become your suppliers.



PiChain's Holistic Background Check Solution is a comprehensive background check service that provides businesses with accurate, efficient and secure background checks for their employees and vendors. The solution is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations and it is designed to help businesses make informed hiring decisions and protect themselves from risk.

To get started with PiChain's Holistic Background Check Solution, simply contact us today. We will be happy to provide you with a free quote and answer any questions you may have.

The turnaround time for a background check from PiChain typically ranges from 24 to 48 hours. However, the exact turnaround time may vary depending on the type of background check and the complexity of the information being verified.

Yes, PiChain integrates with a variety of ATSs. This means that you can seamlessly integrate our background check solution into your existing hiring workflow. Please contact us to learn more about our ATS integrations.