

Sanity Check

Raise Capital from known, not unknown! Gain peace of mind knowing that your investors are who they say they are.

PiChain Background Check Solution
aditya brand
bajay brand
curve brand
industan brand
decathlon brand

Why Pichain ?

PiChain’s platform seamlessly automates investor onboarding, empowering businesses with a trusted gateway to a world of investment opportunities. Embrace the future of investor verification with PiChain and safeguard your investments with unparalleled efficiency.

Our Features

Streamlined Investor Onboarding
Comprehensive Background Verification
Enhanced Investor Quality
Real-time Identity Validation

Eliminate manual verification processes and onboard investors seamlessly with PiChain's automated background checks. Save time, reduce errors and ensure compliance.

Gain a holistic understanding of your investors with PiChain's in-depth background checks. Verify identities, check credit histories and uncover potential risks proactively.

Make informed investment decisions with PiChain's rigorous verification process. Attract high-quality investors, reduce fraud and protect your business from financial losses.

Confirm investor identities instantly with PiChain's real-time validation technology. Ensure the authenticity of documentation and prevent impersonation attempts.

Simple Steps to Get the PiChain
Background Check Solution


Sign up for an account.

Sign up for an account. Visit the PiChain website and create an account.



Add your companies

Add your investors with the help of APIs. Once you have created an account, you can start adding your investors.



Review and approve

Review and approve investors' applications. Once your customers have joined the PiChain platform, you can review their applications and approve them to become your investors.



PiChain's Investor Sanity Check is an automated background verification platform that helps businesses verify the identities and backgrounds of investors. It streamlines the investor onboarding process, reduces the risk of fraud and helps businesses comply with KYC and AML regulations.

PiChain's Investor Sanity Check uses a combination of advanced technology, including data analytics and machine learning, to verify investor identities and backgrounds. Businesses can collect investor information through online forms or manual submissions and PiChain will automatically verify the information against a variety of data sources.

PiChain's Investor Sanity Check is ideal for businesses of all sizes that need to verify investor identities and backgrounds. This includes businesses in the financial services, venture capital and private equity industries.

PiChain's Investor Sanity Check is priced competitively and offers a variety of pricing plans to fit the needs of different businesses. Contact PiChain today to learn more about pricing.

Yes, PiChain's Investor Sanity Check seamlessly integrates with existing investor onboarding processes and CRM systems through APIs and webhooks. This integration streamlines the workflow and eliminates the need for manual data entry.